stone processing professionals

We deliver quality aggregate quickly within the agreed schedule. We perform crushing projects within the whole area of Finland.

Work for us? We are looking for skilled workers in the stone crushing industry CONTACT US

Get your project finished smoothly with our help

The execution and practical arrangements of every project are planned directly with our CEO and Production Manager.

Crushing projects are planned individually according to the customer’s schedule, variety, and quality demands.

Expert in stone prosessing

Kamrock is a company specializing in the crushing and processing of aggregates. Kamrock is known for its quality and methods of renewing the industry. We have sixteen crushing facilities on which we work at all around Finland. We have years of strong experience in the industry. Our company employs 150 people and about 25 subcontractor workers. We work with a high work ethic. Customer focus, quality, responsibility and agility are a matter of honor for us.

The advantage of special expertise

As experts specializing in the refinement and crushing of aggregate, we know exactly what we are doing. With our knowledge we are able to avoid mistakes, so you get exactly what you order from us, always safely and on time.

Skilled site managers

A good outcome is ensured by our site managers equipped with strong experience and our qualified personnel. Managers are personally responsible for the schedule, quality and safety.

Nothing is far away from the middle of Finland

Our facilities are located at Kempele, Nivala and Pietarsaari. There is no place that is too far from the middle of Finland for our transportable equipment.

Turnkey is also available

When needed, we can take care of your whole crushing project from opening the area to finishing the landscaping. An easy complete package from one supplier that you can trust.

Contact us

Why Kamrock?


The quality of aggregate makes a difference in the finished product.

To us quality means that every customer always receives top quality aggregate according to the standards. This is a good foundation to build on.


Having our own transport equipment allows our crushing systems to be transported quickly within the agreed schedule.

On our trailer facilities we are able to perform large volume projects efficiently and according to the customer’s needs. Smaller projects are performed quickly and efficiently on our Track facilities.


Our expertise saves your time and money. We already have several decades of strong experience in the crushing industry. Our employees include experienced experts and young future makers.

These professionals trust us too

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